Sunday 16 March 2014


markings; stroke

these markings have been made, the are isolated, disconnected from the hand; body; mind that created them. 
the disconnect between the viewer of the image, and the maker of the mark is significant. 

the medium in which the mark was made is identifiable to the viewer and the way in which the mark was made is also identifiable due to the textural nature. 

the identifiable features of the mark bridge the viewer and the maker of the mark without seeing evidence of either side.

in analysing the 'one way process' of translation of 'thought' into 'mark making' translated through/by the body, this experiment poses an interesting aspect in that the mark has been made, translated through the body of on individual but due to the fact the 'image' we see, it is disconnected to the body and mind this mark came from, a mark made by an instrument (paint brush) consciously placed on the surface. 

although this experiment illustrates what I have been analysing as a one way mark, the way this conscious mark makes on the page is open to interpretation by the 'viewer' and therefore translating into a dialogue between the mark and the viewer. 

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